PCI Penetration Testing

PCI Penetration Testing

We provide a full set of formal PCI penetration tests for any type of environment but more importantly we also provide hands-on guidance for how to best remediate any issues found with your PCI security controls. Do you have a complex network with many segments that need to be tested ? Are you concerned about legal defensibility of your report findings ? We have a formal process for PCI penetration tests which exceeds all of the PCI-DSS penetration testing requirements and also allows us to provide additional value outside of the the formal reporting process as we find items, such as performance issues or security architecture design issues that may be of value to you. Rather than simply going through a set of basic tests checking boxes we make sure to spend the extra time to understand your environment, it’s data, and how your organization and others interact with your systems. This allows us to see past some the surface issues where other companies stop and provide you with more meaningful testing value.

Additionally our staff have extensive experience conducting PCI penetration tests in some of the most complicated environments. So if you have a complex architecture on a cloud-compute platform like Amazon’s AWS, Google’s GCE, Microsoft’s Azure or a similar cloud compute platform you’ll be happy to know that you are working with a company that understands the unique challenges of testing multi-segment networks in these environments. We also frequently work in very unique environments having everything from Internet of Things issues to Big Data platforms with its related proprietary protocols. So whether you are engaging us to prepare you for PCI compliance or simply to provide you with your 3rd party PCI Penetration Test we are probably one of the best companies to work with in this area.

Contact us today to see how we can add value to your PCI-DSS Penetration Test.